Document Management System

This was a work project so no source code is available for review and table fields have been blurred.

The Document Management System (DMS) is a custom made Access database to manage departmental documentation. The database features macros and VBA scripts to automate functions, restrict access to certain functionality, and create complex forms. The DMS incorporates Outlook as well for importing contact information and automated notifications from the DMS to the primary assigned employee.

For everyday users:

The database was designed for people to easily find documents, points of contacts, reference materials, and request changes to documents. To prevent unwanted changes, the navigation pane and ribbon are disabled by default; these are restricted to administrative access with the appropriate password.


For administrative users:

Administrative users will have quite a bit more functionality provided:

  • Several forms and queries allow easy updates to be made to tables.
  • Management over the change request ticketing system.
  • Reporting to find distribution of assigned tasks, documents that have not been updated in a year, records with inconsistent or invalid data.
  • Search tools for finding commonly changed data (servers, assigned employee).


Table Relationships
